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Dark Conspiracy Multplayer
By DarkRain
Category: Meteor Mods

This is a pack of 16 + 1 multiplayer maps for The Dark Conspiracy. There is also a bonus 4-map singleplayer campaign. There are some new tiles and four new weapons. Enjoy!

The Dark Conspiracy - (5MB)
Dead Zone
By Papercut
Category: Meteor Maps

A small but multi-themed map. It's kinda like what would happen if you but a piece of Base Delta, HH_Kabul, and GNV Radar Base in a blender. Pretty fun. (6.09kb)
By Banzar
Category: Meteor Maps (2KB)
By Joe Cronk
Category: Meteor Maps

Something is wrong at the base. We have lost all contact with the men stationed there.

1.) Find out what happened
2.) Kill any hostiles you make contact with
3.) Dont die (4KB)
Army101 (v2)
By Dave Man
Category: Meteor Mods

This is the biggest mod ever seen for Meteor, nothing short of an entire new single player campaign with loads of new stuff. All finished at last - good work Dave.

Meteor-Army101.exe (665KB)
Meteor 2 Hi Res Intro Movie
By me_mantis (Paul the Great)
Category: Other Meteor 2 Stuff

Hi res version of the Meteor 2 intro with stereo sound in WMV format. (12.3 MB)
The Dark Conspiracy
By DarkRain
Category: Meteor Mods

The Sequel to the Dark Planet. Great mod, loads of fun. Worth the download!

The Dark (4972.7 KB)
Nightmare Cruise
By Michael Dalager
Category: Meteor Maps

As you may know 2 months ago our ship the S.S. Sentury was captured by the reds. We've learned that the S.S. Sentury will be traveling along the coast of south america your camp is set up in an abandoned bunker but it seems the enemy is invadeing, get out of the bunker and find a shifter we've placed in the woods for you its linked directly to a shifter on the sentury. Once on board make your way to the front of the ship to the main control room, you'll need a access disk to enter the reds are all over the ship be careful. you'll also need to find a shield control switch as shields are gaurding the front of the ship. Get on board, Find the disk, Retake the ship. Those are your objectives. GOOD LUCK! (3.5KB)
By Covar
Category: Meteor Maps

This mission is going to be tough. We have you as our only hope of succeding in destroying one of the enemys bases.

- Destroy all personel in the building except the hostages
- Rescue the hostages and acquire the Code CD
- Shut down the forcefields and collect the smart disk
- Get the red,blue and green swipe card
- Then make your way to the exit (2.8KB)
By Scarsoul
Category: Meteor Maps

Finally we have found Base 51a our enemys top base, they have our best men, 2 of our swipe cards and too much new technology....

We have sent some men in to help you, but they don't stand a chance.

I will be in contact, good luck! (4.5KB)